Proyecto C


Groups that work together and want to develop their ability to work as a team, looking for creative solutions and enjoying an exciting experience.

  • Promotion of teamwork and cooperation.
  • Developing creativity in the face of challenges.
  • Leadership work and awareness of the roles of the group.
  • Enhancement of analytical thinking.
  • Improvement of planning and organization.
  • Stress management.

Proyecto C: team building en escape room (Experiencia Grupo)


After years killing the planet, the human being faces his own extinction. Natural disasters do not stop and it is too late to act. Or not?

A group of scientists has worked in the shadows: it is Project C, the most ambitious plan in the history of humanity. Now, they have contacted a select few to be part of their team and you, along with your colleagues, are among them. Before, you must pass the selection process: the future of humanity is in your hands!

This escape room team building experience is organized in 3 stages:

  1. Briefing: the situation is discussed and teams of between 3 and 8 people are formed.
  2. Activity: all the members of the groups must collaborate very closely to overcome the 5 phases of the selection process, revealing the hidden secrets.
  3. Final: the teams meet for a final surprise and share the emotions experienced.

Proyecto C: team building en escape room (Experiencia)


This escape room team building experience is portable and can be enjoyed Indoors or Outdoors.

Proyecto C

Team building in escape room designed to improve cooperation and creativity.

100 personas
Team building in a portable escape room with the option to customize some tests.
Indoor / Outdoor
Toda España
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    All the necessary materials, with high-tech components designed with 3D printing. In addition, it has a game master that energizes and rounds off the experience.


    One of the tests can be customized with questions about the company.

    Los que lo han probado dicen
    "La experiencia ha sido fantástica. Una actividad muy divertida y bien organizada a la que no le falta detalle. Consigue en pocos segundo meterte en la historia de tal manera que consigue hacerte olvidar enseguida que estás en tu entorno habitual para transportarte a otro lugar. Fomenta el trabajo en equipo y la gestión del tiempo y el estrés y agudiza el ingenio."

    "¡Una experiencia 10! Muy bien organizado, lo trajeron a nuestra empresa y ha sido un muy buen ejemplo práctico de lo que es el trabajo en equipo además de pasar un rato muy divertido."
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