Emotions as a driver of team development

Emotions are a fundamental aspect in the work environment. Until now, most development and performance plans were more oriented towards technical training, without focusing on the well-being of the teams .

The reality is that emotions play a crucial role in people's performance and job satisfaction. As a result, more and more companies are recognizing the importance of emotional labor and implementing strategies to manage it properly.

How emotions influence job performance

First of all, it is important to keep in mind that emotions influence the work environment. If there is a tense, unpleasant or unmotivating environment, people will not work with the same energy and commitment as if they feel at ease. On the contrary, if a positive climate is promoted, where everyone's work is valued, collaboration is encouraged and emotional support is offered, people are more likely to feel satisfied and committed to their work.

In addition, emotions also influence productivity. A study conducted by the Center for Management Research at the University of California showed that workers who feel happy are 12% more productive than those who are not. Therefore, promoting a work environment that fosters happiness and satisfaction is key to improving results.

On the other hand, emotional labor is also important for talent retention. People who feel valued, supported and respected by their peers and superiors are more likely to stay with the company. 

So, when we talk about looking at emotions, where do we start?

Vulnerability as a starting point

Author Brené Brown, in her book "Daring Greatly," points out that vulnerability is the starting point for open and honest communication in teamwork.

It is important that team members feel safe to express their opinions and concerns without fear of being judged or criticized. This involves developing a culture in which vulnerability is valued and not seen as a weakness.

Instead of trying to hide emotions, Brown suggests that people should learn to recognize and accept them. By accepting our emotions, we can learn to manage them more effectively and not let them control us.

In the context of a work team, this means that team members must learn to express their emotions openly and honestly. If someone is having trouble with a particular task, they should feel free to ask for help without fear of judgment. If someone is dealing with personal problems that are affecting their performance, they should also feel comfortable sharing them with the team.

By fostering a culture of vulnerability and openness, teams can develop greater trust and a sense of community. This can help improve overall team performance and make team members feel more satisfied with their work.

Happier people, happier companies

James Routledge is a British entrepreneur and founder of Sanctus, a company dedicated to promoting mental health and well-being in the workplace. In an interview with the Financial Times, Routledge spoke about the importance of emotional development in the workplace. According to him, emotional development is fundamental to creating a healthier work environment and to destigmatizing mental health in the workplace.

Business leaders have an important role to play in fostering emotional development in the workplace.Leaders should be role models and encourage openness and transparency about emotions. This can help create a safer work environment, where employees feel more comfortable talking about their problems and seeking help when they need it.

In this regard, we see the importance of companies offering mental wellness programs to their employees. These programs can include coaching sessions, mental wellness workshops and emotional intelligence training programs. In this way, people can develop the skills necessary to recognize, understand and regulate their emotions, and also learn how to support their co-workers in their own emotional development.

Thus, emotional development in the workplace can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve resilience, and increase productivity and team performance. At the same time, emotional development can also improve the overall corporate culture, creating a more positive and collaborative work environment.

The role of development in emotional well-being

Undoubtedly, it is essential for companies to offer spaces for emotional care and well-being: in this sense, companies form a large part of people's lives and their role transcends even working hours.

Thus, investing in development experiences focused on working with emotions can be a lever for cultural transformation, because emotions mobilize. 

Some of the key issues to work on may be:

  • Workshops to work on open and honest communication
  • Emotional intelligence training programs
  • Experiences that foster collaboration and teamwork
  • Spaces for mental health and emotional well-being
  • Emotional leadership programs


If you want to know more about our development experiences to work on individual and team emotions, it means you need to #developmentnonstop.

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