Effective Meetings


Teams that want to improve their meetings, in order to make them more effective and dynamic. This has an impact on their motivation and the achievement of objectives.



  • To carry out a critical self-reflection of the way meetings are organized and facilitated , leading to assume the need to implement a culture of effective meetings and get rid of "meetingitis".
  • Learn techniques and tools to optimize both aspects (preparation and development) increasing the satisfaction of the participants and the effectiveness of the work performed.
  • To learn techniques to successfully deal with incidents that may arise in a meeting.
  • Applying effective communication tricks specific to meetings.


  • The training also aims to generate "the desire" to apply the changes and improvements proposed, working on the prejudices that sometimes hinder the implementation of what has been learned.


To learn how to conduct effective meetings, we will divide it into different phases:

1- Form: Participants will fill out an ANONYMOUS self-perception questionnaire.

2- AnalysisThe forms will be analyzed and valuable conclusions will be drawn that will facilitate a more pragmatic approach to the course, in order to emphasize the real areas of improvement of the team.

3- Workshop: Based on the conclusions, a specialized workshop will be given on those aspects to be improved, thus giving several guidelines to raise the level of the group meetings.

4- Follow-up: Follow-up action (approximately 2 weeks after the course) to evaluate the REAL transfer to your job (questionnaire).

5- Infographics: A customized infographic will be sent with decalogue of good practices in meetings.


During the session we will address 14 key issues, 14 questions:

  1. What do meeting participants complain about? What can I do, and how, to avoid these complaints?
    Are we meeting online "above our means?
  2. When is an agenda necessary?
  3. How to get participants to better prepare for meetings and participate in a "proper" way?
    "right" way?
  4. What supports help me to structure a meeting and how, and to make it more dynamic?
  5. Why is it that without ground rules at meetings, we end up "out of the game"?
  6. Is a structured meeting a sign of rigidity?
  7. What should a good introduction look like? There are introductions that kill and others with which you kill yourself...
    kill you...
  8. Why is it necessary to conclude and not just finish the items on the agenda?
  9. What are the topics to avoid...?
  10. Do all questions deserve the same treatment? Is it possible to "surf" on uncomfortable questions without the danger of "falling"?
  11. When to ask and when to rephrase. The "drama" of getting it wrong.
  12. How should I deal with "special" participants who may hinder the meeting?
  13. Why does a nemawahi avoid harakiri?
  14. Is deciding the same as acting? Or how to make it easier to turn intentions into actions? The commitment table and its tricks.

Effective Meetings

Learn how to meet effectively to achieve objectives and motivate teams.

12-15 persons
High level of participation.
It is not a "descriptive" course, but PRAGMATIC.
Short but high impact dynamics

Based on the conviction that humor is a serious ally of learning.
Online / On-site
Indoor / Outdoor
Spanish, Català
All Spain
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