The Learning Circle


Teams that want to implement a collaborative learning model, which enhances collective intelligence and leverages the internal talents of the organization.

  • Creation of an intergenerational community, where seniors pass on their experience and younger people share new skills(reverse mentoring).
  • To understand training as an element that creates community and culture.
  • Measuring results with new KPIs: reducing voluntary departures in new hires, increasing employee engagement, accelerating the disappearance of silos, enhancing intergenerational diversity (measurable with internal customer satisfaction, for example).
  • Live a social learning exercise with high impact and results.

A community of collaborators will be created that will create, share, celebrate and enhance the culture of the organization. The Learning will be developed as a VPM co-created by the first members of this hub that brings together all the essence and value proposition of this initiative so that, with minimal resources, we achieve a broad impact and adherence to the project.

The program will be deployed in 3 phases: Match, Kick-off and Follow-up Meet-ups.

senior and junior team


  • The match will be made looking for intergenerational and interdepartmental pairs.
  • Communication and invitation to the project.


  • Presentation of the tandems.
  • Mentoring and its impact on community and culture.
  • Mentoring On The Job. Fundamental techniques.
  • Become aware of behavioral and communication preferences and styles.
  • Co-creation of the Learning Circle flow & tools by the participants.

The concepts and real situations that inspire will be alternated with the realization of dynamics and practical exercises and sharing.


  • Members will work in tandem on a day-to-day basis.
  • Once every month (or two months) we will meet in a Meet-up to set the process and create a habit.
  • In the form of a working breakfast (or tea break), Meet-Ups are guided sessions (face-to-face or online) where members share experiences, best practices and ideas for improvement on the mentoring process we are creating and strengthening together.
  • Session by session, we will work on a backlog where we will collect all the inputs offered by the participants to iterate and evolve the product.

This program is facilitated by a person with a lot of experience in talent development and an expert in dynamizing this type of programs at a global level.

The Learning Circle

Promotes a corporate Mentoring and Reverse Mentoring program.

20-40 people
Dynamic and participative sessions with videos, exercises, interaction dynamics and debates that facilitate the sharing of ideas.
Online / On-site
All Spain
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    Face-to-face kick-off session combined with online sessions conducted through a videoconferencing platform with dynamic sessions supported by virtual interaction tools (Jamboard, Easyretro, Miro, etc).

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