The moment of truth - Cover
The moment of truth

Finally we come out of the tunnel, we already see the light. And with this, all Organizations are immersed in the “back to the office” operation. We are talking about teleworking and flexibility policies, about work spaces more adapted to the new reality and about teams that They are looking forward to reconnecting in person, but at the same time They don't even want to hear about going back to the office every day.

We have discovered the advantages of teleworking… but also of being present!

These months have given us the opportunity to test all the formulas: we are no longer willing to give up flexibility and, in a way, the efficiency that remote work gives us. But, at the same time, we realize that presence has many advantages, especially when it comes to inspiration, strengthening relationships and creating a team feeling.

Seems a bit contradictory, doesn't it? Really, Don't we know what we want? Yes, yes we know: what happens to us is a reflection of life itself, which is not at all linear and static. Depending on the moment or the objective, we have different needs.

It is enough to have a couple of talks in companies to see that today there are tastes and realities of all kinds: there is the one who can't stand working at home anymore and quite the opposite, for whom working from home allows them to balance better, because it saves time traveling or babysitting, for example. Diversity real as life itself!

The moment of truth - Zoom

It is clear that the future is about hybrid formulas: combine in-person and remote work. There is no turning back and we are going at a good pace! But why in many cases This issue had not been raised before.?

For many organizations, The challenges that come with opening this chapter are really important.: it is the beginning of a deeper and more complex change that Tests culture and actual leadership style. In some cases, it looked like opening Pandora's box. Now it is open and can no longer be closed: after a year and a half of teleworking, it is difficult to say that it cannot be closed. Because in reality, yes you can.

Back to the office: it's time to make it happen

The pandemic has accelerated a paradigm shift that generates important challenges. The other side of the same coin is that There are also enormous opportunities. It is time to be consistent with our values ​​and principles of putting people at the center. To act and put into practice: It's time for make it happen. It is no longer a question of whether we are going to address this issue or not, but of how we will do it and above all how to make it a positive accelerator and help us make a difference.

To begin with, we must know the starting point. On the way back, it must be taken into account that There is emotional and mental exhaustion in organizations. Taking care of people's physical, mental and emotional well-being is one of the immediate priorities. Besides, work teams need to reconnect, restore trust and realign with the vision and purpose of the organization. Knowing how to respond to these needs is basic.

The moment of truth - Experience

We already know that the return to the office will be done with hybrid models that will evolve. The first imminent challenge is combine the flexibility and preferences of people with the operational needs of the business. Furthermore, do so within the legal framework, respecting equity in labor relations and also thinking about groups that cannot work remotely. Is not easy!

Here equity is not about coffee for all, on the contrary. Precisely, the key is that all people can feel identified with the new ways of organizing work and feel that they have been taken into account. We are all unique and have different needs: Personalization can dramatically improve the employee experience.

Furthermore, it will be essential rethink the productivity drivers of each role in the company: energy, focus, coordination and cooperation. For example, a marketing manager role requires a lot of coordination and cooperation compared to a planner role that, for example, requires a lot of focus. The combination of in-person and remote must vary in each case.

Along with this, it is also worth reviewing some processes in the company to adapt them to hybrid work. For example, in HR they are redesigning , selection, among others. Business processes are also undergoing structural changes.

Towards inclusive leadership and systems that guarantee collaboration

The disappearance of the control inherent to presence makes evolve leadership towards styles based on trust and generating a shared vision. It becomes essential to clarify what is expected of each person and team, as well as trust in their ability to achieve objectives autonomously. More than ever, we must value people based on this and not based on time in the office. For this, a system based on OKR can help a lot:

  • Objectives
  • Khey (keys)
  • Results (results)

The organizational models that perform best are the most adaptable: With more agile ways of working, comprising The learning continuous and decision making through self-managed teams very close to the client.

The moment of truth - Collage experience

This is only possible with inclusive leadership that inspires and empowers teams, which generates the confidence and psychological security necessary. Thus, we develop more aware and adaptable people and a culture that encourages collaboration, innovation and creativity.

In hybrid work, Preserving collaboration within teams and between different departments is a challenge. We have many levers to influence this, between them:

  • Keep a regular and consistent communication.
  • Combine virtual meetings with in-person meetings to maintain personal contact and strengthen relationships.
  • Ensure quality and interaction in online meetings, always ensuring that everyone has a voice.

Maintaining the pride of belonging and the feeling of team when we do not eat together every day or see each other at the coffee machine will depend on what let's preserve spaces for socialization and personal connection also remotely. It is key to combine this with face-to-face team moments and one to one to strengthen relationships and develop a foundation of trust.

Something that is sometimes taken for granted, but is not always so obvious, is have the appropriate spaces and technology. The use of collaborative tools They will help us increasingly in communication and collaboration. Systems that allow the tracking to know when and where people will be each day.

The challenges are many and they are not small: We are experiencing a change that is more complex than it may seem at first glance.. It is clear that the transformation will not be quick nor will we achieve perfection the first time. The organizations are living systems that evolve and change is continuous so… Let's forget about perfection!

The important thing now is to find a way to involve people in the path of change to make it a meaningful process, consistent with values ​​and that generates more commitment and motivation. It is the moment of truth.

Silvia Fradera

Founder of Ready for People

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